Ungarische Kamerafrau Petra László: Das ist die Flüchtlings-Treterin!

La repudiable acción de Petra Laszlo, la periodista que pateó a unos refugiados que huían en Roeszke, Hungría, no hubiera tenido el impacto mundial que generó sin la grabación del camarógrafo alemán Stephan Richter, quien fue entrevistado por el  Video of camerawoman, identified as Petra Laszlo, was filmed tripping a running man with his son … Read more

Hungarian journalist filmed tripping man carrying migrant child

Petra László has been identified as the Hungarian reporter observed tripping a fleeing Syrian refugee carrying a child. Video (see below) which has since gone viral, shows the moment the camera woman holding a video  The world is going mad over Petra Laszlo, the Hungarian camerawoman caught kicking refugees as they fled police. As well … Read more

Hungarian journalist filmed tripping man carrying migrant child

BUDAPEST.- Petra Laszlo, la camarógrafa húngara de un canal de televisión privado cercano al gobierno de ultraderecha que protagoniza un video en el que aparece dando una patada y haciendo una zancadilla a migrantes que huían de la policía, podría  Petra László has been identified as the Hungarian reporter observed tripping a fleeing Syrian refugee … Read more

Hungarian journalist filmed tripping man carrying migrant child

Caption: migrant runs with a child before tripping on TV camerawoman Petra Laszlo (L) and falling as he tries to escape from a collection point in Roszke village, Hungary. REUTERS/Marko Djurica Caption: migrant runs with a  Petra László has been identified as the Hungarian reporter observed tripping a fleeing Syrian refugee carrying a child. Video … Read more

Petra Laszlo was only practising the 'journalism of attachment'

La journaliste de N1 TV Petra László, en train de faire un croche-patte à un migrant qui porte son fils dans les bras, lundi 7 septembre. REUTERS/Marko Djurica. La chaîne, proche du parti d'extrême-droite hongrois Jobbik,  The world is going mad over Petra Laszlo, the Hungarian camerawoman caught kicking refugees as they fled police. As … Read more