Patience: The FBI's Strategy to End the Oregon Standoff and Nab Cliven Bundy

See also: Here's Why Ammon Bundy's Oregon Standoff Might Actually Work. Despite what the armed extremists who took over the Malheur Refuge would have us believe, the vast majority of Americans support protecting our lands. In fact, most western voters  As the Oregon standoff holdouts considered their options Thursday for ending the Malheur National Wildlife … Read more

Patience: The FBI's Strategy to End the Oregon Standoff and Nab Cliven Bundy

The standoff at the refuge morphed into tense prime-time entertainment Wednesday night, as the audio of a phone call between the Andersons and their supporters was live-streamed on YouTube for hours. The dialogue was riveting and ridiculous and laced  The standoff at the refuge morphed into tense prime-time entertainment Wednesday night, as the audio of … Read more

Oregon standoff ends with a 'hallelujah'

2, the refuge 30 miles southeast of Burns was in government control, cleared of dozens of men and women from outside Oregon who insisted the refuge would never be federal property again. The end came with breath-holding moments as a Nevada state  As the Oregon standoff holdouts considered their options Thursday for ending the Malheur … Read more

An End in Sight for the Oregon Standoff

Cheryl K. Chumley is a staff writer for WND and author of "Police State USA: How Orwell's Nightmare is Becoming our Reality." Formerly with the Washington Times, she is a journalism fellow with The Phillips Foundation in Washington, D.C., where she Cheryl K. Chumley is a staff writer for WND and author of "Police State … Read more