Here's how far we've come with net neutrality

Today's ruling on net neutrality by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission is being described as a historic and crucial milestone, but a separate decision by the regulatory body today is more meaningful because it addresses the overall problem of  It's net neutrality eve, putting both Washington and Silicon Valley on collective edge. To some extent. … Read more

Dutch Offer Preview of Net Neutrality

Former Secretary of State and First Lady Hillary Clinton today came out in support of the FCC's proposal to reclassify broadband as a utility — the cornerstone of its plan to put stronger net neutrality rules into effect. THE HAGUE — When Bruno Leenders takes the 50-minute train ride to Amsterdam, he likes to stream … Read more

FCC Votes 'Yes' on Strongest Net-Neutrality Rules

During Thursday's vote, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler called the telecom industry's bluff over investment, saying that companies will continue to expand despite the new net neutrality rules. Plus, if Comcast wants to merge with Time Warner Cable, a megadeal  The United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is poised to act on a “net neutrality” proposal … Read more

Obama backs equal access to Internet

At 9:30 Monday morning, President Barack Obama publicly announced his support for “Net Neutrality” policies, and 30 minutes later, major Internet service providers' stocks shot down. “Net neutrality” has been built into the  It's one of the most important policy disputes that will determine the future of the Internet, and now President Obama has formally … Read more

Kill Net Neutrality and You Kill Small Business Growth, Too

“To fight back, let's cover the web with symbolic 'loading' icons, to remind everyone what an Internet without net neutrality would look like, and drive record numbers of emails and calls to lawmakers. Are you in?” The “Internet  Reddit, Netflix, Foursquare, Mozilla, Vimeo, and WordPress are backing the 'Internet Slowdown' protest against proposed US regulations … Read more

Kill Net Neutrality and You Kill Small Business Growth, Too

If you add up the initial round of comments and ongoing responses, the FCC has now received over 1,477,301 public comments regarding Tom Wheeler's net neutrality proposal, according to Politico. That's enough to beat the previous (though very murky)  Supporters of net neutrality, the principle that all data and all websites are equal, say they … Read more

Net Neutrality and the Idea of America

As you may have seen from all the recent discussion around Net Neutrality, we find ourselves at a critical crossroads for the continued development of an open Internet. This Thursday, the FCC will be unveiling their “Open  The agency's suggested regulations, they say, will either sacrifice a key tenet of the Internet—net neutrality, a storied … Read more

Net Neutrality and the Idea of America

Five months ago, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals came down hard and essentially neutered 2010's Open Internet Order. Today, the FCC voted — in a split decision along party lines — to try again with a proposal for new Net  The agency's suggested regulations, they say, will either sacrifice a key tenet of the … Read more

Net Neutrality and the Idea of America

United States President Barack Obama's commitment to net neutrality is being questioned after the Federal Communications Commission officials appointed on his watch voted Thursday to advance a plan believed by many to  Five months ago, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals came down hard and essentially neutered 2010's Open Internet Order. Today, the FCC voted … Read more