Net Neutrality celebration

But the FCC's landmark vote Thursday to create net neutrality rules has left Republicans with a split over what to do next, with some conservatives wanting to use every tactic to fight the FCC, and more establishment GOP lawmakers trying to get The open internet finally got the protection it deserves from profit-hungry cable companies. … Read more

Net Neutrality celebration

The Federal Communications Commission approved the policy known as net neutrality by a 3-2 vote at its Thursday meeting, with FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler saying the policy will ensure "that no one — whether government  With the FCC voting 3-2 to enact net neutrality regulations under Title II of the 1934 Communications Act, the focus … Read more

The Net Neutrality Crack-Up

A planned hearing on net neutrality in the House on Wednesday was canceled when Wheeler declined the invitation to testify by Republicans, who were very annoyed about it. Attempts by Republicans in Congress to push legislation that would essentially  Net neutrality, as we've discussed before, is the idea that the internet should be a level … Read more

The Net Neutrality Crack-Up

FCC votes to enforce net neutrality by regulating ISPs, unleashes municipal broadband. By Sam Oliver Thursday, February 26, 2015, 10:01 am PT (01:01 pm ET). The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday voted to regulate  The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday voted 3-2 in favor of adopting Chairman Tom Wheeler's net neutrality plan, establishing the most … Read more

The Net Neutrality Crack-Up

Back in 2010, the company angered consumer advocates by negotiating with Verizon — a net neutrality boogeyman — on a framework that would allow Internet service providers to charge content creators for zippier delivery. The plan never materialized Using money from George Soros and liberal foundations that totaled at least $196 million, radical activists finally … Read more

Get ready for lawsuits over net neutrality

Net neutrality won today, in an 3-2 vote by the FCC today. Yay! But not everyone is happy. In just about the most innovative thing the company has ever done, Verizon put out a press release in Morse code, copied here for  AppleInsider podcast discusses Apple's March 9 event, net neutrality, Pebble Time & more. … Read more

Get ready for lawsuits over net neutrality

The FCC's adoption of tough net neutrality rules today is an important milestone in the history of what's become the national medium. But it won't end the debate over how, and how much, the government should regulate the Internet. Indeed, it might  Net neutrality won today, in an 3-2 vote by the FCC today. Yay! … Read more