Obama MyRA proposal unlikely to boost retirement savings

At a U.S. Steel Corp. plant outside Pittsburgh, he signed a presidential memorandum to create the "myRA" program, which he told employees would go toward "making sure that after a lifetime of hard work you can retire with some dignity." Obama was One of the few concrete executive actions in the State of the Union … Read more

Obama MyRA proposal unlikely to boost retirement savings

On his second out-of-town stop to promote his 2014 State of the Union agenda, President Obama pitched a retirement savings plan he hopes will nudge more Americans into planning for their future. The so-called “myRA” program will be geared toward  Roth IRA accounts—as opposed to traditional IRAs, which allow pretax contributions—make sense for the younger … Read more

Obama MyRA proposal unlikely to boost retirement savings

Creating “myRA” – A Safe, Easy-to-Use Starter Savings Account to Help Millions of Middle Class Americans Save for Retirement. Starting to save is just the first step towards a secure retirement. Workers must have a place to  The “myRA” retirement plans proposed by President Obama in his State of the Union address this week will … Read more

Obama Orders Creation of 'MyRA' Savings Accounts

It instructed him to create the new “starter” retirement savings program called “myRA,” a name intended to mimic the I.R.A.'s, or individual retirement accounts, that were first made available to workers in the mid-1970s. The accounts — which are That's why, tomorrow, I will direct the Treasury to create a new way for working Americans … Read more

The limits of Obama's 'MyRA' retirement plans

He also wants to see details on whether pre-tax money or post-tax money will go into the accounts. In addition to these concerns, Slott is confused by the "myRA" name, which even President Obama seemed to fumble in his speech. "It's too hard to say He also wants to see details on whether pre-tax money … Read more