Search for the Loch Ness Monster with Google Maps

Like the world's best legends, the Loch Ness Monster transcends the everyday and exists at the edges of possibility. It rises above the sightings and the hoaxes; the claims and counter-claims; the tourism, the nationalism—and  Like the world's best legends, the Loch Ness Monster transcends the everyday and exists at the edges of possibility. It … Read more

Search For The Loch Ness Monster From Your Computer With Google Street View

Like the world's best legends, the Loch Ness Monster transcends the everyday and exists at the edges of possibility. It rises above the sightings and the hoaxes; the claims and counter-claims; the tourism, the nationalism—and  For decades, people have searched for signs of "Nessie" in the murky depths of Loch Ness. Photos and videos have … Read more

The Loch Ness Monster: Only on iOS

Amazing new images taken from space appear to show something swimming below the surface of the world's most famous loch. There had been fears that Nessie could have died after more than a year without a verified  One of the world's most enduring mysteries added another layer recently, as amateur sleuths have discovered what they … Read more

Apple Inadvertently Intensifies the Search for Loch Ness Monster

This morning my inbox exploded with articles about the definitive Loch Ness monster sighting. The accompanying image is a low-resolution satellite image of a boat wake, available, apparently, only on Apple Maps. There's really not deconstruction needed Amazing new images taken from space appear to show something swimming below the surface of the world's most … Read more

Has Apple maps found the Loch Ness Monster?

underwater, Loch Ness MYSTERY: Could the underwater shadow be the real Nessie? [PETER JOLLY/NORTHPIX]. The clear satellite photos emerged after a large water-based creature was captured swimming south down  This morning my inbox exploded with articles about the definitive Loch Ness monster sighting. The accompanying image is a low-resolution satellite image of a boat wake, … Read more