Why Jorge Ramos crossed the line in confronting Donald Trump

Following yesterday's incident in which longtime Univision news anchor and Fusion TV host Jorge Ramos was ejected from a Donald Trump news conference, singer Ricky Martin has penned an op-ed defending Ramos and  Play-by-Play of Donald Trump, Jorge Ramos Showdown. More. The news anchor was told to "go back to Univision" and escorted out of … Read more

Univision's Jorge Ramos: It's my 'right' to challenge Trump on immigration

Donald Trump's press conference in Dubuque, Iowa went off the rails fast on Tuesday night when Univision anchor Jorge Ramos started questioning the candidate. August 25, 2015 10:56 PM EDT – Bodyguards escorted Univison's Jorge Ramos out of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's news conference Aug. 25. After guards let the reporter back in, he … Read more

Donald Trump and Jorge Ramos have a stormy history

August 25, 2015 8:26 PM EDT – Jorge Ramos was escorted out of a Donald Trump news conference on Tuesday after the presidental hopeful refused to recognize the Univision anchor's questions on immigration. (Asya Akça, Radio Iowa/Twitter)  Univision reporter Jorge Ramos was escorted from a news conference Tuesday afternoon after he started asking presidential candidate … Read more