Jennifer Lawrence's nude photos have FBI, Lena Dunham on the case

On Sunday evening, one or many 4chan users dumped what appeared to be a trove of private, nude photographs of numerous celebrities including Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton. The exact provenance of the images remains murky, like almost  LOS ANGELES (AP) — Jennifer Lawrence has contacted authorities to investigate who stole and posted nude images … Read more

Why We Shouldn't Click on Jennifer Lawrence's Nude Personal Photos

All of the celebrities targeted by the massive hack, which also includes Kirsten Dunst and Mary Elizabeth Winstead, are understandably concerned by the attack and how quickly the stolen photographs spread online. The FBI is currently investigating the  All of the celebrities targeted by the massive hack, which also includes Kirsten Dunst and Mary Elizabeth … Read more

Why We Shouldn't Click on Jennifer Lawrence's Nude Personal Photos

Jennifer Lawrence, Ariana Grande, and Kate Upton were among a handful of celebrities whose nude photos were leaked late Sunday afternoon following what appears to be a large-scale hack that may have taken several  Investigators from the FBI and Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) are still trying to determine exactly who is responsible for leaking hundreds of … Read more