Iraq's Yazidis trapped, hiding from ISIS in the mountains

Following President Obama's authorization of new air stikes in Iraq, the Pentagon announced Friday morning that the bombing has begun. Two U.S. Navy F-18 fighter jets dropped 500-pound laser-guided bombs on a mobile artillery piece belonging to ISIS,  “I am pleased that the United States military was able to provide much-needed humanitarian relief for innocent … Read more

Who Are The Yazidis and Why Is ISIS Attacking Them?

Obama authorized “targeted airstrikes” if needed to protect U.S. personnel from fighters with the Islamic State, formerly known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS. The U.S. military also could use airstrikes to prevent  On Thursday night, President Barack Obama authorized the use of U.S. military strikes in Iraq, wading the U.S. … Read more

Airstrikes Begin: US Navy Planes Drop Bombs on ISIS Forces

(CNN) — Iraq's largest Christian town has been overrun by the same militant Islamists who have gained a foothold in parts of eastern Syria and western and northern Iraq. The latest advance by ISIS (or the Islamic State, formerly known as the Islamic Intelligence Source: Turks Launch Bombing Strikes on ISIS. By Jeff Stein. Filed: … Read more

Will ISIS brutality backfire?

Embedded with the Kurdish Psehmerga fighters, the defenders of the oil-rich northern enclave in Iraq, we stood ready as the ISIS swept through northwestern Iraq. But aside from a few light skirmishes, the Al Qaeda-linked army of ruthless terrorists The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham continues to press its offensive to seize the … Read more

Battle-tested Kurds watch as ISIS routs Iraqi Army

By occupying the Sunni cities, ISIS has simply made a more rational partition, adding a third part, putting the Sunni Triangle back under Sunni rule. The Shia troops who fled as soon as they heard that the ISIS was on the way  Prominent US Republicans say the recent success of Al-Qaeda offshoot ISIS in Iraq … Read more

Battle-tested Kurds watch as ISIS routs Iraqi Army

Isis "could pose a threat eventually to American interests as well", Obama said in a televised address. He vowed not to be "dragged back into a situation in which, while we're there keeping a lid on things, and after enormous  British Muslims have been urged by one of the UK's most senior Shia clerics not … Read more