ISIS atrocity in Libya demonstrates its growing reach in North Africa

In the wake of ISIS releasing a video showing the beheading of 21 Coptic Christians on Sunday, MSNBC host Chris Matthews railed to cap his Monday program against the U.S. being “morally humiliated” in the ongoing fight  She acknowledged there's "no easy solution" and said the U.S. would still take out ISIS leaders. But Harf … Read more

US Intensifies Effort to Blunt ISIS' Message

(CNN) ISIS is under pressure in parts of Iraq and battling a variety of adversaries in Syria, but it's metastasizing at warp speed elsewhere, most dangerously in Egypt and Libya. It also has support in Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan. And the leader of (CNN) ISIS is under pressure in parts of Iraq and battling a … Read more

Egypt launches second wave of airstrikes on ISIS in Libya

The terrorists known as ISIS released a video on Sunday that seems to show the militant group beheading 21 Egyptian Christians kidnapped in Libya according the NBC News. The video shows men kneeling and wearing  Washington is working to install a new air base in Iraq's Kurdistan to be used in a campaign against Islamic … Read more

Egypt launches second wave of airstrikes on ISIS in Libya

ISIS fighters launched a major offensive just miles from a U.S. air base where American military advisers are stationed on Thursday, a senior security offici Washington (CNN) Americans are increasingly unhappy with President Barack Obama's handling of ISIS, and a growing share of the nation believes that fight is going badly, according to a new … Read more

New ISIS video appears to show child executioner killing alleged Russian spies

The teenager's mother, Zarine Khan, condemned ISIS and accused it of using social media propaganda to brainwash Muslim youths. She cited last week's terror attacks in Paris that killed 17 people and allegedly involved a now dead suspect with ties to ISIS. In a predawn raid earlier this month, armed militants operating from the so-called … Read more

ISIS a bigger threat than pre-9/11 al Qaeda?

VICE has taken another look at the inner workings of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), this time focusing on the effective and disturbing way that the radical Islamists recruit one particular group: children. "For us, we  As the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) — or simply "The Islamic State" as … Read more

US Actions in Iraq Fueled Rise of a Rebel

The whole point of the threat of ISIS now is that they will be able to establish their own separate state within which they can continue to metastasize as a terrorist threat to Western Europe and the United States. It's not enough to say the Iraqi On its official YouTube channel, the U.S. Navy has … Read more

Kurdish Forces Confront ISIS Fighters as US Airstrikes Continue

On The Real Story today, Gretchen Carlson played a frightening video from VICE News, the only media organization embedded with ISIS, the terror army wreaking havoc in Iraq. In it, an ISIS militant stated, “I say to America  “I say to America that the Islamic Caliphate has been established,” Abu Mosa, a spokesman for the … Read more

Officials: ISIS recruiting on the rise in Sunni areas of Iraq

“I say to America that the Islamic Caliphate has been established,” Abu Mosa, a spokesman for the terror group known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), told VICE Media in a video interview posted online Thursday. VICE has taken another look at the inner workings of the Islamic State of Iraq and … Read more