IRS Still Hunts Offshore Accounts As More Foreign Banks Sign Deals With US

IRS audits don't have a uniform impact on self-employed taxpayers, and those who were behaving themselves before the audit may not afterward, according to a study released in the National Taxpayer Advocate's recent annual report to Congress. IRS audits don't have a uniform impact on self-employed taxpayers, and those who were behaving themselves before the … Read more

IRS Still Hunts Offshore Accounts As More Foreign Banks Sign Deals With US

In fact, the IRS has admitted at the highest levels to targeting, harassing and intimidating Tea Party, Christian, pro-Israel and other conservative groups. Senior IRS officials perpetrated the abuse, which was purportedly facilitated by the White In a case sure to stir up memories of the Lois Lerner investigation, which saw IRS Commissioner John Koskinen … Read more

No Receipts For IRS? Key Tax Case Says They're Optional

Receipts are critical to good book-keeping and tax returns. But if you can't find one, contrary to popular belief, you are not out of luck thanks to a famous court case, Cohan v. Commissioner. George M. Cohan was a Broadway pioneer with hits like “Give In fact, the IRS has admitted at the highest levels … Read more

IRS Using 13-Yr. Old Microsoft Software

The lawsuit, which was filed Friday in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington, seeks information from the IRS about contracts it made with two high-powered law firms to investigate Microsoft. What sparked the case are a pair of Identity thieves used social security numbers and other data to access the tax … Read more

IRS Using 13-Yr. Old Microsoft Software

Microsoft Corp. and the IRS are back in court, this time fighting about the U.S. tax agency's interest in hiring David Boies, the lawyer who beat Microsoft in an antitrust case in 2000. The software company filed a federal lawsuit May 29 in Seattle Microsoft Corp. and the IRS are back in court, this time … Read more

IRS warns of shady tax preparers stealing refunds and identities

Seven months after federal officials fired CGI Federal for its botched work on Obamacare website, the IRS awarded the same company a $4.5 million IT contract for its new Obamacare tax program. CGI is a  U.S. District Judge Edmund Sargus in Columbus, Ohio, said on Monday that the IRS was bound by guidance it … Read more

IRS commissioner: 'It's a challenging year'

The Canadian company that played a major role in creating the once glitch-plagued Web site is working on a $4.5 million contract to help the Internal Revenue Service handle its responsibilities under the Affordable Care Act. The IRS This scam is listed in the "dirty dozen" by the IRS, meaning it's one of the … Read more