Let freedom ring: America celebrates Independence Day

With the battle far over the horizon, Gen. Andrew Luck paused to share his feelings on Independence Day. It is Independence Day USA 2015 — as the United States marks 239 years as an independent nation today. The Fourth of July 2015 is being celebrated nationally with parades, fireworks, naturalization ceremonies, eating contests and music. … Read more

Let freedom ring: America celebrates Independence Day

South Carolina residents began receiving robocalls on Friday comparing the movement to remove the Confederate flag from statehouse grounds to ISIS. So my South Carolina relatives are getting robocalls from desperate pro-Confederate flag group  Americans across the country celebrated Fourth of July with parades, fireworks, naturalization ceremonies, eating contests and movies Saturday as the United … Read more

Putin congratulates Obama on Independence Day

Congress permitted this power grab and subjected us to ”regulation without representation,” not the Independence we celebrate while averting our eyes (see David Schoenbrod's Power Without Responsibility). In his Is Administrative Law Unlawful?, Philip  Washington (CNN) Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated President Barack Obama on Independence Day and expressed confidence that Russia and the United … Read more

The movie Independence Day teaches us that victory is more important than …

If you're going to keep looking at a screen, pay tribute to 'Merica by watching the movie that best represents our great nation: Roland Emmerich's 1996 summer blockbuster, Independence Day. It was directed by a German, but  For wounded Marine Sgt. Doug Vitale freedom and independence have new meaning. For many Americans, burgers and fireworks … Read more

Freedom To NOT Celebrate Independence Day

Communities all over the region have parades, celebrations and fireworks displays set for Independence Day! **CLICK HERE for a long list of fireworks displays set throughout Northeast Ohio**. There's also a full slate of other  Hey, it's Fourth of July weekend! Why it seems like only yesterday Paul Revere rowed his boat across the Independence … Read more

Freedom To NOT Celebrate Independence Day

PORTLAND, Maine (NEWS CENTER) — July 4th Portland, the organization responsible for putting on the city's Stars and Stripes Spectacular, announced Thursday that the show would be postponed until Saturday, July 5. The decision was made out of  The hostile alien intruders in the film Independence Day caught the world by surprise, arriving like a … Read more