Protests Erupt After Eric Garner Grand Jury Decision

Protests erupted across the country, with 83 people arrested in New York City overnight after a grand jury Wednesday declined to indict officers involved in the death of Eric Garner, who died after being placed in a choke hold. Large groups shouted and  Attorney General Eric Holder announced tonight that the Justice Department will launch … Read more

Officer Told Grand Jury He Meant No Harm to Eric Garner

Kicking off his Wednesday show with his “Talking Points Memo,” Bill O'Reilly said, in the wake of the grand jury deciding not to indict anyone for the death of Eric Garner, that Garner “did not deserve” to die and that the officer  The Staten Island grand jury investigating the death of New York's Eric Garner … Read more

Eric Garner's Wife Lashes Out at Cop Who Killed Her Husband

The Staten Island grand jury investigating the death of New York's Eric Garner — an asthmatic man who died of a heart attack after being held in a police chokehold — has declined to issue any indictment of Daniel Pantaleo,  A grand jury's decision not to indict New York City police officer Daniel Pantaleo in … Read more

Relatives, friends say goodbye to Eric Garner, who died after NYPD cop put him …

Police suspected that man, Eric Garner, was selling untaxed, loose cigarettes. Garner, an asthmatic Staten Island man who was married with six children, died. Pantaleo is on desk duty, with his badge and gun taken away. Outside City Hall Tuesday, city and state elected officials called for justice for Eric Garner—and more cameras recording cops … Read more