The Unnecessary Death of Eric Garner

The Indianapolis Police Department walked back a Twitter post on Friday after being accused of making light of the death of Eric Garner, the Indianapolis Star reported. The post was sent by a department spokesperson,  A judge on Thursday granted Staten Island District Attorney Dan Donovan's request to allow the release of limited grand jury … Read more

Protesters Fill the Streets Across the Country Over Decision in Eric Garner Case

Patrick said he's frustrated and discouraged by the grand jury's decision. He says it's even more upsetting since there is a videotape showing police Officer Daniel Pantaleo holding Eric Garner in a chokehold as Garner repeatedly gasped, “I can't After rolling footage of Eric Garner being choked to death by NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo, Bill … Read more

Protesters Swarm NYC Over Eric Garner Death For Second Night

Following the grand jury's Wednesday decision not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who, on camera, used a chokehold on Eric Garner that's banned by the New York Police Department, a different question emerged: What's the point? President Barack  Banks — who's never passed on a chance to blast Iggy — launched her latest tirade hours … Read more

Protesters Swarm NYC Over Eric Garner Death For Second Night

One route to justice for Eric Garner was blocked on Wednesday, by a Staten Island grand jury's confounding refusal to see anything potentially criminal in the police assault that killed him. But the quest will continue. The fury that has prompted NYC cop cleared by grand jury in chokehold death of Eric Garner … protests … Read more

Some thoughts on Eric Garner

The Staten Island grand jury investigating the death of New York's Eric Garner — an asthmatic man who died of a heart attack after being held in a police chokehold — has declined to issue any indictment of Daniel Pantaleo,  After two months of considering evidence in the fatal choking of Eric Garner on July … Read more