Road and government closures for Emancipation Day celebrations

The District of Columbia Emancipation Act was passed by Congress and signed by Lincoln on April 16, 1862. After the Civil War ended, D.C. residents held the first Emancipation Day parade on April 19, 1866, which was covered by Harper's Weekly. The holiday commemorates President Abraham Lincoln's signing of the District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation … Read more

Road and government closures for Emancipation Day celebrations

Flanked by At-large Councilmember Vincent Orange, D.C. shadow Senators Paul Strauss and Michael Brown, senior advisor Beverly Perry, and D.C. Secretary of State Lauren Vaughan, Bowser announced the activities for upcoming Emancipation Day, which  D.C. Emancipation Day celebrations are scheduled for Saturday, but the impact on drivers starts Friday, the day that the government offices … Read more

Road and government closures for Emancipation Day celebrations

On Friday, the District government will celebrate D.C. Emancipation Day by taking the day off. As part of that official holiday, the Department of Public Works says it will not carry out sanitation services or enforce parking restrictions—except for Flanked by At-large Councilmember Vincent Orange, D.C. shadow Senators Paul Strauss and Michael Brown, senior advisor … Read more

Road and government closures for Emancipation Day celebrations

On Friday, the District government will celebrate D.C. Emancipation Day by taking the day off. As part of that official holiday, the Department of Public Works says it will not carry out sanitation services or enforce parking restrictions—except for The holiday commemorates President Abraham Lincoln's signing of the District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act in … Read more