Heard of Ello? You may want to join this 'anti-Facebook' soon

The fact that Ello is currently invite-only (but getting hold of an invite is not hard) helps to increase intrigue levels, but also create a semi-elitist niche network that will appeal to a certain type of social networker. Ello is currently  Ello is a new social network that has caught fire with a manifesto telling … Read more

Heard of Ello? You may want to join this 'anti-Facebook' soon

The social network, which is in beta and therefore requires an invite code for new users to join, stopped passing out the codes for a spell earlier today. The company said it wanted to “make sure that Ello remains stable as the network continues to The social network, which is in beta and therefore requires … Read more

Social network Ello gets boost after Facebook boots drag queens

It's the logo of a new site called Ello, and while still only in beta, it's becoming the destination of a steady migration away from Facebook. Founded by Paul Budnitz, Ello is the only social network out there with a manifesto — one that, for the Paul Budnitz, artist and designer toy maker, has organized … Read more