Chris Christie's Office Targets Former Ally in a Memo

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie takes the stage with his family before being sworn in for his second term as governor in the Patriots Theater at the War Memorial in Trenton, New Jersey, January 21, 2014. Reuters. Gov. Chris Christie's administration struck back hard and personally on Saturday against a former ally who accused the … Read more

Chris Christie Bridge Scandal: The Next Shoes to Drop

Chris Christie orchestrated massive traffic problems in Fort Lee, New Jersey, last fall as an act of political retribution against the city's Democratic mayor. For months, Christie and his administration have denied allegations that  Tonight on Crossfire: Did Governor Chris Christie's extraordinary, nearly two-hour news conference keep alive his chances to be president? Christie said … Read more

Chris Christie Gets Caught in Traffic

Jon Stewart on Chris Christie's scandal: 'You can see Paul Ryan's b*ner from space'. By Arturo Garcia Thursday, January 9, 2014 0:25 EST. Jon Stewart 010814 [YouTube]. Tweet; Print Friendly and PDF; Email this page. Tweet. Jon Stewart  TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — A political dirty-tricks investigation of Gov. Chris Christie's inner circle broke wide open … Read more