The voicemail from Marco Rubio that led Christie to back Trump

Two of Jeb Bush's former top aides took to social media to blast Christie for his surprise endorsement of Donald Trump on Friday, hitting Christie as inauthentic and "pathetic." David Kochel, Bush's chief strategist, made an analogy involving a "fat New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who exited the race for the Republican presidential nomination earlier … Read more

Chris Christie Endorses Donald Trump for President

Former Republican presidential candidate and current governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, appeared alongside Republican frontrunner Donald Trump at a news conference in Fort Worth, Texas, on Friday to announce his endorsement for him as president  Former Republican presidential candidate and current governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, appeared alongside Republican frontrunner Donald Trump at … Read more

His Star Faded, Chris Christie Faces the Challenge of a More Modest Political …

NORTH MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. — Kenneth G. Langone, the billionaire co-founder of Home Depot who was a leading supporter of Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, has thrown his support behind Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, the Kasich campaign said Thursday  With his star power and influence diminished after a desultory performance on the presidential … Read more

Chris Christie Bites The Presidential Dust

A sixth-place finish isn't what Gov. Chris Christie was looking for Tuesday night in the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary. After vowing to be "the leading governor" in the nation's first primary state, Christie was defeated soundly by Ohio To critics such as Christie, the moment — following as it did similar repetitions at Saturday's … Read more

Chris Christie Bites The Presidential Dust

Donald Trump was a runaway winner in the Republican race and even though only 2 percent of the votes officially had been counted, the picture was bleak for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. After spending more than 70 days campaigning in New Hampshire  Yesterday, Chris Christie officially dropped out of the race for President. Although … Read more

Chris Christie Says Hillary Clinton Supports 'Systematic Murder Of Children'

It's time for a fact check, Dana Bash, CNN, and Republican presidential candidates. Repeat after me: Social Security is not in danger of running out of money, leaving people, to paraphrase Chris Christie slightly from Wednesday's Republican debate,  Christie's poll ratings – an average 2.5% support in the 16-strong Republican field were just enough to … Read more

Chris Christie is not running for Prom King

A day after Bon Jovi and his wife Dorothea hosted a fundraiser for Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, the New Jersey native's music was used to introduce the candidacy of Republican Chris Christie. Tuesday morning (June 30), Christie New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) announced he's running for president in 2016. Christie told supporters of … Read more