Supporters gather to defend Bundy ranch in Nevada from feds

Cliven Bundy, right, and Clance Cox, left, stand at the Bundy ranch near Bunkerville Nev. Saturday, April 5, 2014. The U.S. Bureau of Land Management started taking cattle on Saturday from rancher Bundy, who it says has been trespassing on U.S. land  BREAKING: Feds prep for Waco style raid of Bundy Ranch, Cliven Bundy and … Read more

Supporters gather to defend Bundy ranch in Nevada from feds

Treeper Update: Small update from the ground, federal guys don't much like being filmed according to the ranchers, they were told if they didn't stop filming they'd be arrested. They resisted, more showed up and the feds  (NaturalNews) The Bureau of Land Management says its 200-man armed siege of the Cliven Bundy ranch in Nevada … Read more