SEE IT: 'Blood Moon' dazzles skywatchers in western US

It was a bloody night and those lucky enough to see the spectacular sight will agree the eclipse was worth staying up for. Lunar eclipses are often referred to as blood moons because of its reddish look when passing through the earth's atmosphere Lunar eclipses happen about twice a year when the moon passes directly … Read more

SEE IT: 'Blood Moon' dazzles skywatchers in western US

Lunar eclipses happen about twice a year when the moon passes directly behind the Earth into its shadow, or umbra. Total lunar eclipses, or "blood moons" are a little more rare. But what's up with the creepy red glow that gives the lunar event its (Times of Israel) After observing a total lunar eclipse over … Read more

'Blood Moon' Eclipse Dazzles Skywatchers

April 4, 2015 12:05 PM EDT – Timelapse video captures a total lunar eclipse, also known as a "blood moon," which was visible from the U.S. as it dipped into Earth's shadow. (Reuters). RELATED LINKS. STORY: Unusually short total lunar eclipse dazzles  The total eclipse of the moon lasted only a short time, but it … Read more

Lunar eclipse, 'blood moon' seen in Arizona's skies

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has confirmed that a total lunar eclipse, also known as a blood moon, will be observable on Saturday evening in various parts of Indonesia. The lunar eclipse will be part of a rare phenomenon  Somalia's Islamic extremist group al-Shabab warned Saturday of more attacks in Kenya like the … Read more

Sky spectacle: Lunar eclipse features 'blood moon'

It will be a partial eclipse, lasting only until the moon sets just after 7 a.m. with the moon about half eclipsed, according to The eclipse will turn the moon coppery or red, a phenomenon known as a “blood moon,” and in some cultural  Sydneysiders missed out on Saturday night's lunar eclipse, but Melbourne … Read more