Teaching autistic kids to code

There's a growing movement in medicine: a push to find and treat children at risk for autism at younger and younger ages — even in the womb — in the hope that their social and emotional development can be boosted to  NAIROBI, Kenya – Anxious family and friends gathered outside a morgue in Kenya's capital … Read more

Teaching autistic kids to code

"All children with autism have problems with social interactions,” she said. “But they're really good at technology, and so Milo creates that bridge, where he is humanoid, has a human face, but is cartoonish so children in the spectrum are engaged with Ryan Flinn and Rhonda Kelley change the light on their front porch to … Read more

Teaching autistic kids to code

Tomorrow is Autism Awareness Day, by some calendars at least. The United Nations, for example made a resolution in 2007 to designate April 2nd as "World Autism Awareness Day". Resolution adopted by the General  6 months after we arrived he was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder,” she writes, noting that she's a registered nurse who … Read more


Washington, D.C. (March 27, 2014) – Today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new data on the prevalence of autism in the United States. This surveillance study identified 1 in 68 children (1 in 42 boys and 1 in  “We comb through records. We accumulate all that information and then each one … Read more

68 Things To Know About Children With Autism

An author and mom of an autistic son shares her advice to companies affected by autism–and how these individuals are just as valuable as every other employee you meet. By Patty Pacelli. Our son Trevor was diagnosed with a high functioning form of Washington, D.C. (March 27, 2014) – Today, the Centers for Disease Control … Read more

68 Things To Know About Children With Autism

For the past seven years on April 2nd Autism Speaks has celebrated “Light It Up Blue”, a unique global initiative to kick off Autism Awareness Month and help raise awareness about autism. “In honor of this historic day, many iconic landmarks, hotels DENVER – One in 68 kids are autistic. Now researchers are saying many … Read more