Apple's plans land with a thud

The trajectory of Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) stock during its iPhone 6S launch event followed a typical pattern Wednesday. If Apple didn't present a “wow factor” during the launch, shares would decline in the short term, said Adam Sarhan, founder and In late July, I said investors were looking at a “golden opportunity to buy Apple's … Read more

How we made nearly $1 million on Apple stock

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — Apple's stock is near an all-time high thanks largely to high hopes for next week's expected reveal of the iPhone 6, some sort of wearable device and possibly a mobile wallet. Shares did pull back  It's square with a metal band, rotating dial *APPLE INTRODUCES 'APPLE WATCH' WITH SMALL DIAL ON … Read more

Apple's Moves Make The Stock Look Better, But Is It Worth More?

As part of Apple's earnings releases, Apple has announced an extension to its buyback plans. The company will now buyback an additional $30 billion of Apple stock, totalling $90 billion, significantly accelerating its original  Apple's stock is up 9% in pre-market trading after last night's earnings report. Apple delivered significantly better than expected iPhone sales. … Read more