ALESSANDRO VOLTA: Father of the electrical battery sparks inspiration for …

A new Google Doodle is celebrating what would have been the 270th birthday of the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta (1745-1827), who in the year 1800 published a theory that led to the modern battery. With this invention. Alessandro  Google's latest doodle celebrates the birthday of Alessandro Volta, who invented an early form of the electric … Read more

ALESSANDRO VOLTA: Father of the electrical battery sparks inspiration for …

A new Google Doodle is celebrating what would have been the 270th birthday of the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta (1745-1827), who in the year 1800 published a theory that led to the modern battery. With this invention  Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta (February 18, 1745 – March 5, 1827) was an Italian physicist. He is … Read more

ALESSANDRO VOLTA: Father of the electrical battery sparks inspiration for …

NEW KID's got spark. Google just plugged him into the lineup, and he delivered. The tech titan's newest charge is Mark Holmes, and today, the artist trots out one beautiful Doodle — his second one ever. Google's homepage Wednesday celebrates the 270th  Wednesday's Google Doodle features a copper-and-zinc battery in honor of Alessandro Volta, the … Read more

Google Doodle Celebrates Italian Physicist Alessandro Volta

In 1800, after a couple centuries of experimentation throughout the scientific community, electricity was well enough understood that Alessandro Volta, was able to produce the first sustained flow of electricity. This was a major  Google has marked his birthday with an image of a golden battery that includes mathematical formula. The battery is reminiscent of … Read more

Alessandro Volta

Happy birthday, Alessandro Volta! A geeky Google Doodle showing an animation of a battery honors one of the forefathers of electrical science. Volta is widely credited with having invented the modern battery — a discovery he made around 1799 when he Google on Wednesday feted physicist Alessandro Volta with an animated doodle depicting the battery … Read more