Myth-Busting The Aereo Decision: No The Supreme Court Didn't Kill It… Nor …

The Supreme Court justices found that Aereo had violated copyrights owned by TV broadcasters, marketers, and distributors whose programs the company streamed. "This ruling appears sweeping and definitive, determining  The trouble with trusting in the Supreme Court to bless the legality of your novel business model is, if you're wrong, suddenly you're left sitting on … Read more

The Supreme Court's Aereo decision could endanger cloud storage services

aereo As you've probably heard, earlier today the Supreme Court plunged a shiv into the gut of Aereo, siding with the broadcast networks in their lawsuit against the streaming video startup. Not surprisingly, the company's  The Supreme Court justices found that Aereo had violated copyrights owned by TV broadcasters, marketers, and distributors whose programs the … Read more

Supreme Court expresses skepticism on Aereo

On Tuesday the Court will hear arguments on the legality of Aereo's disruptive wireless technology that brings broadcast TV to smartphones. The fight over Aereo, which has had the TV industry buzzing for months, is going to the Supreme Court on Tuesday: here's what you need to know. Aereo, a service that lets users record … Read more

The Cloud Industry Needs Aereo to Win. But Consumers Need Something Better.

The fight over Aereo, which has had the TV industry buzzing for months, is going to the Supreme Court on Tuesday: here's what you need to know. The start-up Aereo provides subscribers online access to a DVR that can hold recordings of over-the-air broadcasts made using dime-sized antennas in local markets where it's available. Broadcasters, … Read more

What the heck is Aereo, anyway?

Today, the United States Supreme Court will spend one hour hearing the latest arguments in an old, important debate that affects everyone watching television in the US: Who owns the airwaves? ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox and others use the broadcast  WASHINGTON — For most of its two years, Aereo has been an obscure start-up that … Read more

Supreme Court quizzes Aereo: Do TV streams break the law?

At oral arguments over the legality of the service, which streams live broadcast TV to smartphones, the Court seemed fearful of hampering other cloud-service businesses. Aereo CEO Chet Kanojia leaves the U.S. Supreme  If Aereo prevails, some experts think the cable and satellite companies may decide to stream their own signals in the same way … Read more