Can The Martian Beat Hollywood's Mars Curse?

The new movie The Martian, which hits theaters Oct. 2, would seem to have everything going for it. Based on the bestselling novel by Andy Weir and directed by Ridley Scott, the film stars Matt Damon as a lone astronaut stranded on Mars. The cast is

They aren't dropping it with another studio's big movie or on television during the season premiere of Gotham or during a football game. But here's the 2015 twist. In this case, whether the new X-Men trailer debuts with The Martian or not, the mere

He also really likes The Martian. One of the perks of being a real world astronaut is, apparently, getting to watch movies about fictional ones early, and Mastracchio's screening of Matt Damon's forthcoming film has left the 

Stromberg's Martian will be Fox's second movie-based VR experience. The first was based on Fox Searchlight's Wild, and more are on the way. "We are looking at all our big tentpole IP and looking at what [VR] will bring to old or new stories. We are

I'm pretty excited about the upcoming release of The Martian—a movie based on the novel by Andy Weir. In short, it's a story about an astronaut stranded on Mars. This is, of course, science fiction (as we have had no humans on Mars). In general