Can Social Media Ease the Shame of Being a Domestic Violence Victim?

Porn star Christy Mack, 23, was brutally attacked on Aug. 8, leaving her with an extensive list of injuries, including 18 broken bones in her face, a fractured rib, and a ruptured liver. She claims her ex-boyfriend, MMA fighter Jon Koppenhaver (aka War

0809-war-machine-christy-mack-instagram-03 MMA fighter, turned fugitive War Machine has finally broken his silence following the beating that took place Friday at his home … leaving his girlfriend porn star Christy Mack hospitalized. War Machine

MMA fighter War Machine (born Jonathan Koppenhaver) is wanted by Las Vegas police in connection with the alleged beating of his ex-girlfriend Christy Mack and another unnamed victim on Friday. Today, Mack released a 

MMA fighter Jon Koppenhaver (aka War Machine) took to Twitter to deny he attacked his ex-girlfriend, porn star Christy Mack, claiming he's 'not a bad guy.' Do YOU believe Jon is innocent?

Porn star Christy Mack has written a horrifying account of the night that ended with her in the hospital and her ex-boyfriend Jon Koppenhaver on the run from police, as well as releasing pictures of her brutal injuries. Mack was allegedly beaten at the