California Assembly OKs Bills Boosting Voter Registration at DMV

“The DMV shouldn't be profiting off of information we are legally required to give them. This information should be used solely for services such as safety recalls. We don't know who is purchasing this information, if there is a bidding process, or

Illinois is considering automatic voter registration through the state's DMV, an unobjectionably good idea that GOP Governor Bruce Rauner will likely veto.

WASHINGTON — More than 10,000 residents across D.C., Maryland and Virginia are without power as a thunderstorm rolls through the area. As of 9 p.m.,Pepco is reporting the largest number of outages with approximately 4,200 customers without power.

Most people dread going to the DMV, but Bruce Jenner is looking forward to taking a trip to the agency to get a new driver's license — as a woman!

Customers could soon be seeing a $1 fee at the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles as the agency raises money for a new computer system.