Bundy Ranch, the Federal Government, and the Nevada Water Tipping Point

After 20 years of battling the US government for use of his family's land, a Nevada rancher's “one-man range war” may soon end. The family says heavily-armed federal agents have surrounded the ranch as "trespass cattle” are removed from the disputed

former senior adviser, has purged documents from its web site stating that the agency wants Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's cattle off of the land his family has worked for over 140 years in order to make way for solar panel 

With his Nevada ranch surrounded by helicopters, four-wheel-drive vehicles and an estimated 200 armed officers of the federal Bureau of Land Management, Cliven Bundy is drawing support from the governor and other prominent political leaders along with 

April 12, 2014. Yesterday afternoon the Federal Aviation Administration designated the airspace above Bundy Ranch near Bunkerville, Nevada a “no-fly zone” with altitude restrictions that effectively ban news helicopters.

Protesters said they had heard rumors of snipers deployed by the Bureau of Land Management — the agency leading the roundup — in the hills around the Bundy ranch, as well as the removal of water tanks, which pushed cattle toward the river, causing