I wasn't going to write about the Brittany Maynard assisted suicide frenzy. Maynard is apparently dying of brain cancer at age 29, and has decided to mount a pro-assisted suicide campaign, announcing she will kill herself on November 1. I wasn't going
Brittany Maynard intends to die shortly after her husband's birthday at the end of October. On the day of her choosing, she is electing to take prescribed medication that will end her life. Maynard, a 29-year-old California native, was diagnosed in
If everything goes as planned in her life, 29-year-old Brittany Maynard's death will occur on Saturday Nov. 1 — in her bed, on an upper floor of her Portland, Oregon home, with cherished music filling the room. Lately, though, nothing in Maynard's
Brittany Maynard has made a video explaining her plight and promoting what's called the “death with dignity” movement. Diagnosed with a rapidly growing brain tumor, Maynard says she faces a debilitating, painful and certain death. Hence, she decided to
(CNN) – Former California resident Brittany Maynard says she wants to die with dignity. The 29-year-old with brain cancer launched a video campaign Monday to advocate for laws to allow terminally-ill people to end their own