British WWII Veteran Returns Home After Sneaking Off to D-Day Remembrance

(CNN) — That year it was a Tuesday. June 6. My father turned on the radio that morning, as usual. This time, we heard: "Under the command of Gen. Eisenhower, Allied naval forces, supported by strong air forces, began landing Allied armies this morning

His remarks at the American Cemetery in Colleville-sur-Mer, which overlooks Omaha Beach where so many fell, were part of a series of solemn events to commemorate the D-Day landings in northern France. Chief among them is an elaborate international 

Wish I could embed it for you but C-SPAN doesn't allow that. Click the image below and it'll take you to the entire 50-minute (no joke) extravaganza, replete with a tricolor flyover at the end. People on Twitter are rolling their 

His remarks at the American Cemetery in Colleville-sur-Mer, which overlooks Omaha Beach where so many fell, were part of a series of solemn events to commemorate the D-Day landings in northern France. Chief among them is an elaborate international 

An interpretive dance routine aimed at honoring veterans on the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landing baffled and even angered many on the Internet Friday. The routine, which was performed as world leaders gathered in