Bristol Palin gets engaged — again

Bristol Palin hysterically told cops during the epic drunken Palin family brawl in Alaska last month that some guy knocked her down and called her a…

Mericans told God that they wanted more Merica in their lives, and He has responded by getting Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer to get hitched with Bristol Palin! From CNN: Wedding bells are on the horizon for Bristol 

Bristol Palin says she is engaged to Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer. The daughter of former Alaska governor and former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin said in a blog post Saturday that Meyer came to Alaska to film the "Amazing 

A photo posted by Bristol Palin (@bsmp2) on Mar 14, 2015 at 12:50am PDT. This will be the first marriage for both of them, but you may remember that Bristol was previously engaged to her baby daddy Levi Johnston.

Bristol Palin is calling Kathy Griffin out on claims she left Fashion Police because of pressure to mock people's bodies. Bristol says that doesn't fit with her own experience, when Griffin mocked her weight during Bristol's Dancing With The Stars run.