Brianna Hildebrand on Top-Secret 'Deadpool' Audition and the Future of …

Partiamo da Brianna Hildebrand, che interpreta Testata Mutante Negasonica, un personaggio inserito dagli sceneggiatori Rhett Reese e Paul Wernick mentre lavoravano a una revisione dello script originale, su richiesta del regista Tim Miller, che voleva

Brianna Hildebrand's Negasonic Teenage Warhead (an angsty good gal mutant) is promising, too, but isn't given much to do aside from being a punchline for Deadpool. Advertisement. The violence is also carried out with such smirking glee that it becomes

(L-R) Morena Baccarin as Vanessa and Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson in 'Deadpool.' (Joe Lederer/Twentieth Century Fox) . Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool in 'Deadpool.' (Joe Lederer/. Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool in 'Deadpool.' (Joe Lederer/Twentieth 

T.J. Miller is best friend Weasel while Brianna Hildebrand is Negasonic Teenage Warhead. Wait for the credits to roll for the customary Marvel post-credit sequence. The tone of the movie felt kind of confused β€” edgy but not pushing the envelope far

T.J. Miller is best friend Weasel while Brianna Hildebrand is Negasonic Teenage Warhead. Wait for the credits to roll for the customary Marvel post-credit sequence. The tone of the movie felt kind of confused β€” edgy but not pushing the envelope far