Breathtaking photos capture rare blue moon

A full moon is coming Friday night that is unlike anything we've seen since 2012 and that we will not see again until early 2018. It's called a blue moon. Despite the name, the color of the moon will not change. This full moon is 

A full moon is coming Friday night that is unlike anything we've seen since 2012 and that we will not see again until early 2018. It's called a blue moon. Despite the name, the color of the moon will not change. This full moon is 

By an older definition, if there are four full moons in an astronomical season versus the normal three, the third full moon of the four is then the Blue Moon. A rarer occurrence than the above. A moon that actually appears blue is 

If you happen to look up in the sky on Friday, you'll see something that only occurs "once in a blue moon." That's because it'll be a blue moon, the second full moon of the month, but this wasn't always the definition of the blue moon. Watch the video

There's a reason why the phrase “once in a blue moon” means rare … and Friday night's lunar event proves it. There will be a…