Boy bitten in 2nd NC shark attack after teen girl suffers major injuries

Teens lose limbs in two reported shark attacks off North Carolina on Sunday. Posted 7:48 pm, The unidentified victim was airlifted to a nearby hospital Sunday afternoon after the attack off Oak Island, according to the station.

Moody's Investors Service has assigned an A2 rating to the Town of Oak Island Water and Sewer Enterprise System's (NC) $41.8 million Enterprise System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2015. Moody's maintains an A2 rating on $86.2 million of 

Moody's Investors Service has assigned an A2 rating to the Town of Oak Island Water and Sewer Enterprise System's (NC) $41.8 million Enterprise System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2015. Moody's maintains an A2 rating on $86.2 million of 

Moody's Investors Service has assigned an A2 rating to the Town of Oak Island Water and Sewer Enterprise System's (NC) $41.8 million Enterprise System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2015. Moody's maintains an A2 rating on $86.2 million of 

Teens lose limbs in two reported shark attacks off North Carolina on Sunday. Posted 7:48 pm, The unidentified victim was airlifted to a nearby hospital Sunday afternoon after the attack off Oak Island, according to the station.