Bondy: Russian beauty brings competition to curling

SOCHI, Russia — A row of curling fans wearing red jackets with the word “CANADA” emblazoned across the front applauded and waved tiny Maple Leaf flags in unison as Jennifer Jones landed another stone right on target. The Canada skip just didn't miss 

CURLING! It's Olympic-level shuffleboard, played by dudes we'd love to have a beer with. It's our favorite Olympic sport, and now let us explain it.

No Winter Olympics sport takes more abuse from TV viewers than curling. With 12 days of curling on tap in Sochi (daily play continues until medals are awarded to the women on Feb. 20, and the men on Feb. 21), it's time we 

This sport looks as low tech as they come: pushing a disc across the ice with a broom. But understanding physics is critical in curling. The idea of sweeping during curling is to slightly warm the ice temperature, without melting it. Curling ice is not

A company on the mainland called Kays of Scotland manufactures the Olympic stones. It has rights to mine three types of granite — common green, blue hone and red hone — that are used in high-quality curling stones, according to the company's website.