Bold Call to Action in Obama's State of the Union, Even if No Action Is Likely

Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst said voters sent a "loud and clear" message in the midterm elections and pledged to forge ahead with Republican's legislative agenda in her GOP response to President Obama's State of the Union. "We heard the message you sent in 

President Barack Obama delivered a rather unexpected applause line during his State of the Union address Tuesday night. "I have no more campaigns to run," Obama said, attempting to proceed to the next sentence.

President Barack Obama delivered his annual State of the Union address on Tuesday and focused on a slew of progressive proposals he dubbed "middle class economics." Obama also announced he will ask Congress to 

In his sixth State of the Union address — the second to last of his presidency — President Obama plans to declare an economic resurgence, doubling down on improving wages for the middle class. “The verdict is clear,” the president will say, according

Not long before his 2014 State of the Union address, President Obama announced his intention to work around Congress on the issues where he saw a pressing need for action but little chance for cooperation from Capitol Hill. It's hard to say in