Bob Costas Steps Aside From Olympic Coverage

Bob Costas is finally going to take care of that eye issue. The famed sportscaster announced Tuesday that he will be taking the night off from Olympics coverage and has called in Matt Lauer from “the bullpen” to fill in for him. "Reluctantly, I was

The infection in Bob Costas's left eye appeared Thursday and spread to his right eye Sunday. When he woke up Tuesday in Sochi, Russia, with both eyes swollen and crusted shut, he told NBC that he could not host that evening's prime-time Olympics 

If laughter is the best medicine, then Bob Costas…. well, no, screw laughter, Bob Costas needs a few more stiff Russian vodkas. "Is this the Hoda and Kathie Lee portion of this evening?" Mary Carillo wondered following her 

Bob Costas is getting the night off. The Olympics staple, who powered through the first days of NBC's primetime coverage of the Sochi games while battling a very visible eye infection, is bowing out of Tuesday's broadcast.

Bob Costas' eye infection is getting worse so he'll take the night off from Olympics coverage.