Blizzard announces sci-fi Overwatch game

Blizzard lore/story/sunglasses guy Chris Metzen and his daughter were watching a cinematic scene from World of Warcraft. There were swords, spells, dragons—the usual. His daughter, however, couldn't help but ask of the 

You might not be able to play Blizzard's newly announced Overwatch just yet, but in the meantime, you can start learning how every known class in the team-based shooter works. Who knows, maybe you'll find a class that 

Boy, people sure got excited about that Overwatch reveal, didn't they? It's been a while – Watch Dogs' E3 announcement probably being the last case – since I saw grown humans lose their shit over a trailer and a lil' bit of early gameplay. But in the

Blizzard's Overwatch is, in the grand scheme of shooters, kinda simple. Each character has one weapon, levels are straightforward, and movement speed feels like everybody is a giant moon ape—not just, you know, the giant 

For the first time in many years, Blizzard announced a new franchise today: meet Overwatch, a team-based multiplayer shooter with Pixar-like graphics that will enter beta next year. The game looks great. It's a PvP shooter