Black Women and Single Motherhood: Why Ciara's Lawsuit Against Future Matters

Last year, Wilson remarked how God had brought Ciara into his life, so one can only hope that he also helps keep her there—or helps her realize that maybe she should stop talking about her personal life, just the way she wants Future to. For more of

Ciara's throwing $15 million rocks from inside a giant glass house which is why Future thinks she doesn't have a chance in hell of winning a dime off him. Sources close to Future tell TMZ, the rapper thinks it's absurd his baby mama filed the

Last year, Wilson remarked how God had brought Ciara into his life, so one can only hope that he also helps keep her there—or helps her realize that maybe she should stop talking about her personal life, just the way she wants Future to. For more of

Last year, Wilson remarked how God had brought Ciara into his life, so one can only hope that he also helps keep her there—or helps her realize that maybe she should stop talking about her personal life, just the way she wants Future to. For more of

Earlier this week, recording artist Ciara made national headlines after she filed a $15 million dollar defamation lawsuit against the father of her child and ex-fiancé, rapper Future. The suit alleges that Future's public comments about Ciara's