BLACK ADAM's Bad-Assery: Why THE ROCK Chose Well

Why would The Rock play the villain? Doesn't that mean a sequel wouldn't include him, as the heroic Shazam moves on to fight someone new? Not necessarily. As comic fans will quickly point out, Black Adam is a complex character who often plays the role 

Why would The Rock play the villain? Doesn't that mean a sequel wouldn't include him, as the heroic Shazam moves on to fight someone new? Not necessarily. As comic fans will quickly point out, Black Adam is a complex character who often plays the role 

In most versions of his origin story, Black Adam is the immortal, power-mad son of an ancient Pharaoh, so if you squint it's possible to imagine the Shazam film as a spiritual sequel to The Scorpion King. Additionally, it is 

Well the actor has been teasing Shazam for some time, has been in talks to play either Shazam or Black Adam over a period of several years as the project floated through various stages of development, and certainly has mentioned deciding between the

In a message that shares comic book art of the dark wizard and dictator, Johnson referred to Black Adam as an "antihero," suggesting that perhaps he won't be the sole or primary antagonist of the film, and that he may have a