Bill Simmons gave ESPN no choice

ESPN eminence Bill Simmons was suspended last night for calling NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell a “liar,” and the critical consensus on this development took just hours to congeal. The New Republic's Danny Vinik writes that the suspension signals that 

On Monday, ESPN's Bill Simmons challenged his employer to discipline him for excoriating N.F.L. Commissioner Roger Goodell's handling of the Ray Rice domestic violence case. Simmons, on his podcast, repeatedly called Goodell a liar for 

Bill Simmons practically begged ESPN to suspend him, and the oafish and epically tight-assed media behemoth did just that Wednesday night, giving him three weeks for coming to the same conclusion about NFL 

In Monday's episode of his podcast The B.S. Report, ESPN's Bill Simmons called Roger Goodell a liar. “Please call me and say I'm in trouble,” he said, in what sounded like a message to ESPN's brass. “I dare you.” On Wednesday, the Worldwide Leader took 

The lesson ESPN is attempting to send — and certainly the lesson it wants you to believe it is sending — with its three-week suspension of Bill Simmons after he blasted NFL commissioner Roger Goodell on a podcast is elemental to every standard