Bill Nye, Science Guy, coming to Mall of America rotunda

Last night's debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham attracted a huge international audience and no shortage of controversy—even before it began. Bill Nye, whose main media presence is as “The Science Guy,” and Ken Ham, 

NBC's "Meet the Press" will offer quite a range of guests Sunday. "Science Guy" Bill Nye will weigh in on climate change. Mitt Romney discusses Republican politics and Olympic costs. Brian Boitano and Bravo's Andy Cohen examine the Olympics as a 

PETERSBURG, Ky. – TV's "Science Guy" Bill Nye and the leader of a Kentucky museum who believes in creationism debated a question Tuesday that has nagged humankind: "How did we get here?" Ken Ham, the founder of the Creation Museum, believes 

For an example of dueling fundamentalisms in action, one need go no further than the much-discussed recent debate between creationist Ken Ham and "science guy" Bill Nye. Watching that debate — or more accurately, that tedious exercise in dueling 

PETERSBURG, Ky. – TV's "Science Guy" Bill Nye and the leader of a Kentucky museum who believes in creationism debated a question Tuesday that has nagged humankind: "How did we get here?" Ken Ham, the founder of the Creation Museum, believes