Bill Gates Weighs In on Apple's Clash With the FBI

But that's the assignment that Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder and world's richest person, has set out to tackle with a new multibillion-dollar fund that will invest in research on potentially breakthrough clean-energy technologies. He expects to

But that's the assignment that Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder and world's richest person, has set out to tackle with a new multibillion-dollar fund that will invest in research on potentially breakthrough clean-energy technologies. He expects to

Bill Gates has weighed in on the dispute between Apple and the FBI. He's backing the FBI, saying Apple should comply with the order to allow the San Bernardino shooters phone to be hacked. Gates says allowing the feds access would not set a precedent, 

Sure Bill Gates has a lot going on, but one of the habits of successful people is certainly keeping tabs on Beyoncé. Gates talked to Wired about protecting customers' private information from FBI. He also finally responded to the divine honor of being

Gates is the latest powerful tech leader to voice his opinions on the heated security debate that has arisen after Apple announced it wasn't going to assist the FBI hack into an iPhone 5C that belonged to a suspected terrorist. The Microsoft cofounder