'Bikini bridge' started as an Internet prank but will likely do real damage

This is the week the Internet discovered the "bikini bridge" – with a lot of help from the anonymous users of 4chan. A group of users of the online message board circulated a series of images and tweets promoting the bikini bridge – the gap created

The latest fad making the rounds — the Bikini Bridge. One problem – the bridge is connected to the legs. Make a note of that. [More Bob's Blitz Babes] **Follow us on Twitter, Subscribe by Email, View via Our Mobile Site, or Return Home · Tweet 

This is the week the Internet discovered the "bikini bridge" – with a lot of help from the anonymous users of 4chan. A group of users of the online message board circulated a series of images and tweets promoting the bikini bridge – the gap created

Social media went nuts over the "bikini bridge" this week, proclaiming it the next "thigh gap" and lamenting that it's just another unhealthy thing for women to obsess about in their quest to be super-model thin. But it turns out the users at 4chan

How the Bikini Bridge became the new thigh gap. Women starving themselves? How the bikini bridge became the new preoccupation amongst young women.