Bigfoot hunter claims to have shot, killed hirsute cryptid (+video)

Bigfoot sites are not impressed. One site says the Bigfoot is nothing but “a cheap knockoff” a dwarf from “The Lord of the Rings.” Dyer has told the San Antonio TV station that he baited his “Bigfoot stand” with pork ribs from WalMart. Then, he says

Until Thursday Dyer never provided any proof beyond a grainy video clip he shot of the big beast outside his tent. More video was included in the documentary "Shooting Bigfoot," but it failed to impress skeptics.

“Since I've already shot the show, I can't say definitively whether I believe there's a Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Yetty out there,” Cain said on “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday. “But I will say this: I started off as a major skeptic and I'm much less skeptical

“Since I've already shot the show, I can't say definitively whether I believe there's a Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Yetty out there,” Cain said on “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday. “But I will say this: I started off as a major skeptic and I'm much less skeptical

Hunter Rick Dyer says he shot and killed a Bigfoot, and is now preparing to take its body on a tour of America.