'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Who Won the Real Final 5 HoH Competition?

Derrick Levasseur continued to rule the Big Brother 16 house on Thursday, September 4 as the Head of Household in a double eviction that sent home his intended target. Boom. And boring. And yet, the super-fast double 

Now that it's down to five HGs on Big Brother 16, the nominations don't matter nearly as much as the Power of Veto. Well, this week neither of those actually matter, but I'll try to amuse you anyway as we slog through a week that is more useless than

Not many interesting Big Brother spoilers coming off the Live Feeds yesterday except for an interesting move Derrick attempted to pull to try to secure his place in the final two. Seems Derrick decided to take Nicole's comments about his game play

The long national nightmare of Big Brother 16 is finally over. Julie Chen announced that this week's Battle of the Block marks the end of the double HoH twist which has successfully ruined the game and allowed the Bomb Squad to steamroll over everyone.

Big Brother Network reveals the Big Brother spoilers that Izzy is a dog who will be in the BB16 house for about a day or so. The live feed watchers had a chance to vote her in for the day, and it looks like the houseguests have fully embraced her. Izzy