Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 11 Live Show & HoH Recap

The time has come on Big Brother 2014 and after all the anticipation of the BB Rewind button, it finally comes into play tonight on Big Brother 16! This is supposed to be the new live eviction show, but Julie Chen is finally going 

Find us on Twitter and keep up with us on Facebook. Don't forget Big Brother 16 live feeds for even more Big Brother fun, but uncensored! Every sign up helps support this site to keep bringing you Big Brother 2014 spoilers, 

Now that it's down to five HGs on Big Brother 16, the nominations don't matter nearly as much as the Power of Veto. Well, this week neither of those actually matter, but I'll try to amuse you anyway as we slog through a week that is more useless than

The meaningless week of Big Brother 16 continues. Will the Power of Veto force a difficult decision to be made that could come back to haunt someone next week? Or will the Power of Veto not be used for two consecutive times, something that hasn't 

Not many interesting Big Brother spoilers coming off the Live Feeds yesterday except for an interesting move Derrick attempted to pull to try to secure his place in the final two. Seems Derrick decided to take Nicole's comments