Big Brother 16: Frankie Grande and Zach Rance Sound Off on Zankie

Beast Mode Cowboy will have to take his act to the jury house as 26-year-old Caleb Reynolds was voted out of Big Brother last night. He was ultimately done in by his alliance partners Cody and Derrick, who got rid of Caleb to 

Beast Mode Cowboy will have to take his act to the jury house as 26-year-old Caleb Reynolds was voted out of Big Brother last night. He was ultimately done in by his alliance partners Cody and Derrick, who got rid of Caleb to 

After 97 days, Team America, Battle of the Block, two double evictions and a rewind, a new Big Brother winner was crowned in Wednesday's finale. Who won the $500,000 grand prize: Derrick Levasseur, Cody Calafiore or Victoria Rafaeli? The winner is .

The longest season ever of Big Brother finally came to close last night as Derrick Levasseur was crowned the champion of Big Brother 16, beating his best buddy Cody by a vote of 7-2 in the finals. Derrick's victory was cemented after Cody won the final

Not including around-the-clock Internet feeds and nightly live broadcasts, roughly 40 hours of "Big Brother" were aired this summer, about half the airtime "The Sopranos" accrued over six seasons. Yet as all-consuming as it is, "Big Brother" has a