Bernie Sanders brings campaign to Seattle this weekend

Less than two months ago, even Bernie Sanders' staunchest supports were saying “He's a great candidate, but he's not 'electable.'” Today, we're all changing our tune, as it becomes increasingly obvious that, given the 

In July, Sanders, found himself interrupted repeatedly during a public appearance at Netroots Nation, a progressive media conference, as protesters affiliated with the Black Lives Matter Movement chanted “Say her name!”—a reference to Sandra Bland, 

Bernie Sanders has some thoughts on tonight's GOP debate and how “extremely greedy and selfish” people are the likeliest to enjoy it. Sanders spoke with Sirius XM's Ari Rabin-Havt on The Agenda this morning, and they 

Asked if he thought other Democratic senators would follow Mr. Schumer in breaking with the president on one of the most important foreign policy issues of his administration, Mr. Sanders said: “Yeah, I do. I think there is, on very, very difficult

Less than two months ago, even Bernie Sanders' staunchest supports were saying “He's a great candidate, but he's not 'electable.'” Today, we're all changing our tune, as it becomes increasingly obvious that, given the