Before Ebola, New Czar Handled Political Crises

Updated 12:23 p.m. | President Barack Obama has picked Ron Klain to be the Ebola czar, according to the White House, a move that appears aimed at quelling a firestorm from Congress and the public over the handling of 

WASHINGTON — Ron Klain wanted Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. to prepare for the worst. So as he coached Mr. Biden through weeks of preparations for his vice-presidential debates in 2008, he assembled a notebook filled with questions — and calculated 

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama will appoint Ron Klain his “Ebola czar,” knowledgeable sources told CNN. The president on Thursday signaled his openness to the idea to have one individual coordinating the 

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama will appoint Ron Klain his “Ebola czar,” knowledgeable sources told CNN. The president on Thursday signaled his openness to the idea to have one individual coordinating the 

WASHINGTON — President Obama tapped veteran government insider Ron Klain to coordinate his administration's efforts to contain the Ebola virus Friday. Klain, a former chief of staff to Vice Presidents Joe Biden and Al Gore, is well-known by Obama and